Extras: Fan Stuff
All sorts of products, made especially by the
fans, for the fans of Boys Be...
Here are some cool fan-made proverbs similar to
those being shown every start and end of an episode of Boys Be. Check them out!
No matter how hard you try,
no one can piece back together the broken shards
of a lost love.
And with that knowledge comes the fact
that the most painful wound of all
is to lose a friend you've loved
all your life.
~presea (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
Weird it is that we search for a gesture
A gesture that may seem so simple
yet so much meaning as a kiss
~Lopaos (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
Isn't it stange how the road of life spirals?
How one crashes down only to rise like a pheonix?
Each time a little higher, each time a little better...
Each time a little closer to the perfection that seem to elude us...
Walking the road of life, it's hard to see that it's not the
destination that matters but the journey itself...
~Mulawin (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
Within the walls cast by one's mind
Lies the emptiness of solitude...
Deafening as absolute silence...
Fueling the desire to open up
But you know that to reach out for the light
is to risk to get burnt by it...
So one waits... one thinks...
As the solitude trickle down ever so slowly
down the void of one's soul...
~Mulawin (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
down in the void of nothingness
where black wings spread over rose petals,
a crystal falls from her cheeks,
a tiny whisper...a breath of air...
a silent prayer, a thread of hope.
when emptiness seizes us,
we will share the same haven.
~presea (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
Darkness whorl into a sea of oblivion...
I dream of peace that is none...
I dream of love that is within my reach...
I grasp for a glimmer of hope...
only to let it slip through my fingers...
I pray my silent prayer...
but it was left unanswered...
~yvie (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
it is because oflove
we are beings of love
like a flurry of feathers
scattered across the midnight sky
we would find silence
in another person's hand
& so we will never let go.
~presea (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
"Why are people so obsessed with love?
We seek it to give it to share it.
Maybe because we are soo very human.
A victim of our own emotions."
~Lopaos (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
Underneath the stars...
I cover myself in its refuge...
I can never close my eyes...
I can never stop dreaming...
As the last twinkling light fell off...
Showers of promises cast its pain and wretchedness...
Slowly, as I flutter my wings...
I play a silent rhythm...
Its melody seems to fall from place to place...
I can never rest...
I can never sleep...
Not until I find the last twinkling light...
~yvie (From the Boys Be Mailing List)
Ask a hundred people about love
And you'll get a hundred different answers
there is no one way to get it
no one attitude to view it
nor one philosophy to understand it
simple as it may be...
people who are in love
or people searching for love
are making it up as they go along.
~Lopaos (From the Boys Be Mailing List)